PEG Grant Submission Deadline: Monday, April 30, 2024 - 5 p.m.

We are currently accepting proposals for the Professional Enrichment and Growth (PEG) Grants for the 2024 - 2025 academic year. 

Professional Enrichment and Growth (PEG) Grants support initiative aligned with faculty and institutional strategies for development and growth.  Grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded to faculty who wish to engage in an activity that will help the individual faculty achieve their professional goals as well as advance the academic missions of the department and the institution.  

Faculty at the rank of Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor of the School of Medicine and School of Health Professions are eligible and encouraged to apply.  Application information, a checklist and cover sheet are attached. The deadline for submission is April 30th at 5pm. Final award decisions will be made in late May. Please submit your application electronically to

2024/2025 PEG Grant Awardees

AI and Digital Literacy:

Aditya Chakraborty, PhD | Master of Public Health
Attend the Joint Statistical Meeting pre-conference workshops and the Bayesian Modeling workshop

Lifang Yang, MD, PhD | Assistant Professor, Microbiology and Molecular Cell Biology
NCI & NIAID-funded bioinformatics workshop: BigCARE 2024 Summer Workshop 

Team Approaches to Education and Research:

Anjeza Cipi, MD |Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine
Emergency Medicine Counsel of Residency Directors (EM-CORD) Residency Administration Fellowship 

John Harrington, MD | Professor, Pediatrics
Small Groups Effective Communication Training and Lola’s Song Workshop through On-Pitch

Matthew Jones, MD | Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine
National Board of Echocardiography (NBE) Examination of Special Competence in Adult Echocardiography (ASCeXAM)

Jondavid Landon, MD | Clinical Instructor, Emergency Medicine
Resuscitative TransEsophageal  Echocardiography (ResusTee) Workshop

Gavin Rogers, MD | Instructor, Emergency Medicine
Resuscitative TransEsophageal  Echocardiography (ResusTee) Workshop

Dorela Shuboni-Mulligan, PhD | Assistant Professor, Pathology and Anatomy
10-day training from Dr. Cirelli and team at the Center for Sleep and Consciousness to learn the NeuroNexus system

Peter Volsky, MD, FACS | Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology
American College of Surgeon Division of Education Surgeons as Educators course


Mark Caramore, MD | Assistant Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Provide CME activities and monthly case lunches 

Jennifer Flaherty, PhD | Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
CHKD Mental Health Service Line Faculty Commensality Groups

Hongyun "Tracy" Fu, PhD | Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts (PPLM)Get Real Training of the Trainer for the department of Pediatrics

Jennifer Hanrahan, DO, MSc | Professor, Internal Medicine
Speak by Design personal coaching sessions to help with communication with in the department

Eric Werner, MD | Professor, Pediatrics
Resident and Faculty Commensality Groups for the department of Pediatrics