Professional Enrichment and Growth (PEG) grants are available to faculty members who wish to engage in an activity that will promote their professional growth and align with institutional and departmental strategies for development and growth.

Application Materials for 2024-2025 PEG Grants

This year the PEG grant mechanism will support applications that fall into 4 general categories:  

The integration of AI and digital tools in healthcare presents unprecedented opportunities for enhancing patient outcomes, streamlining diagnostic processes, and personalizing medical treatments. However, to leverage these technologies effectively, a profound understanding of AI principles and digital competencies is essential. The scope of this support includes, but is not limited to, funding for specialized training programs, workshops, and courses in AI application in education, research, clinical care, data analysis, and digital tool utilization. This initiative aims to bridge the knowledge gap, ensuring our faculty are well-equipped to lead innovative research, deliver cutting-edge education, and provide the highest standard of care.

In the dynamic environment of academic medicine, the value of collaborative team approaches to education and research is key. Recognizing this we provide funding to support and develop faculty expertise in team-based approaches to both education and research. The scope of this support includes funding for interdisciplinary team-building activities, such as skill sharing workshops on project management, communication strategies, development of collaborative educational programs, and others. Furthermore, our funding can be used for faculty visits to external collaborators, with the objective of acquiring novel competencies that support team science efforts, be they within research laboratories, clinical settings, or educational frameworks.

This funding initiative is designed to support faculty members to translate their research and clinical insights into actionable, market-ready solutions that can significantly impact patient care, healthcare delivery, and biomedical research. The scope of this support includes funding for workshops on intellectual property rights, mentorship programs with industry leaders, and access to resources for developing business plans and navigating the commercialization process.

Our goal is to create an ecosystem within our institution that not only supports innovative ideas but also equips faculty with the knowledge and tools necessary to bring these ideas to market, thereby enhancing the overall impact of our institution on community.

Faculty Affairs and Professional Development will be offering two PEG grants this year for one or more well-being initiatives at the departmental level. Applicants should discuss the potential submission with departmental chairs and other faculty and staff members to ensure that the funding is likely to address an area that will have a meaningful, positive impact within the department (i.e., conduct a needs assessment). Generally, proposals are expected to fall within the categories of: a) system inefficiencies, b) leadership skills and development, c) culture and belonging, d) employee retention, e) employee voice/input, f) work flexibility/autonomy, g) administrative burdens/documentation, h) grant support, or i) collegiality/teams. Applications should include a goal as well as one or more operational metrics to measure the impact of the project.