The Educator Toolkit is a curated list of resources that educators can look to for models of best practice, including books, journals, websites, and key articles (seminal) that have influenced practice. The items that are included have been recommended or created by Fine Family Academy of Educators members or professional organizations.

The Fine Family Academy of Educators also provides Educational Consultation services in a variety of areas. Please contact us for more information at Request an Educational Consultation Session.

Examples of support may include

  • Curriculum mapping
  • Curriculum development
  • Course design
  • Interactive teaching practices
  • Small group teaching
  • Self-directed learning
  • Situated learning
  • Peer observation
  • Simulation/standardized patients
  • OSCEs
  • Bedside teaching
  • Providing feedback to learners
  • Assessment of learning
  • Educational scholarship


Academies Collaborative Resources: Resources (

Vanderbilt University:

UNC School of Medicine: Resources/FAQ | Academy of Educators (


AAMC: MedEd Portal

Recorded webinars can be found on the Building Better Curriculum Webinar homepage in the “Special Edition: New & Emerging Trends in Health Professions Education” section.

Clinical Teaching and Learning Experiences: A Resource Collection to Support Innovations in Health Professions Education.




Instructional Design:

The Learning Scientists:

SGEA: (Southern Group on Educational Affairs)


Med Ed journals:

Academic Medicine  
Advances in Health Sciences Education.  
BMC Medical Education.  
Education for Health.  
Education for Primary Care.  
Evaluation and the Health Professions.
Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions.
Journal of Medical Ethics.
Journal of the International Association of Medical Science Educators.
Medical Education.
Medical Education Online.
Medical Teacher
Twelve tips for clinical teaching with telemedicine visitsTwelve tips for mindful teachingPostgraduate Medical Journal.
Teaching and Learning in Medicine

Seminal Articles:

Thibault GE. The future of health professions education: Emerging trends in the United States. FASEB BioAdvances. 2020.

Lucey CR, Thibault GE, Ten Cate O. Competency-based, time-variable education in the health professions: crossroads. Acad Med. 2018;93(3S Competency-Based, Time-Variable Education in the Health Professions):S1-S5.

Thibault GE. Humanism in medicine: what does it mean and why is it more important than ever? Acad Med. 2019;94(8):1074-1077.


The ABCs of How We Learn: 26 Scientifically Proven Approaches, How They Work, and When to Use Them

The Adult Learner

The Courage to Teach

Curriculum Development for Medical Education: A Six-Step Approach

Good to Great and the Social Sectors

The Hidden Curriculum in Health Professional Education

How Learning Works

IAMSE active learning manual

Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die

Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning


Minds Online

Remediation of the Struggling Medical Learner

Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning

Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well

Understanding Medical Education

Educational Tools:

Just in Time Teaching (JiTT) infographics: free app for teaching and learning in medical education, Northwell Health INC. For more information contact Alive Fornari, EdD FAMEE RDN,

Fine Family Academy of Educators Videos:

Why Teach in Small Groups

Facilitation of Small Groups

Facilitating Small Groups Virtually

Tips for Virtual Small Groups

Self directed and self-regulated learning

Online Instructional Design and Technology Resources:


Harvard Macy Community Blog:

#MedEdChat: MedEdChat – Alliance for Clinical Education




Faculty Factory:

KeyLIME Medical Education:


AMEE Faculty Research Development Grants
IAMSE Travel Awards

Scholarly research:

Glassick CE. . Boyer's expanded definitions of scholarship, the standards for assessing scholarship, and the elusiveness of the scholarship of teaching. Acad Med. 2000; 75 9: 877– 880. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

 Research methods in Education

Sullivan G. M. (2018). A Toolkit for Medical Education Scholarship. Journal of graduate medical education10(1), 1–5.  


The Academy offers support to faculty in their teaching practice.  Our Academy members, as colleagues, are available for an educator-to-educator conversation that can help colleagues improve their educational practices . Please submit an email to the Academy indicating what you would like help with: be as specific as possible to include learner type, program, course or module and what you are requesting support with. This will help align the appropriate Academy member with your request.

Request an Educational Consultation Session

Examples of support may include

  • Curriculum mapping
  • Curriculum development
  • Course design
  • Interactive teaching practices
  • Small group teaching
  • Self-directed learning
  • Situated learning
  • Peer observation
  • Simulation/standardized patients
  • OSCEs
  • Bedside teaching
  • Providing feedback to learners
  • Assessment of learning
  • Educational scholarship