Educational Scholarship Day

Logo green Fine Family Academy of Educators leaf logo with text: Learn Share Collaborate and grow.  Educational Scholarship Day 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Waitzer Hall 100

The 6th Annual Educational Scholarship Day is hosted by the Fine Family Academy of Educators. 

The event is open to all faculty, staff, residents/fellows, and students, including distance education students, as presenters and/or participants. 

Event Schedule

8:30-9:00am       Poster Set Up

9:30-11:45am     Oral Presentations

12:00-1:00pm     Keynote Speaker: Eric Zwemer, MD

1:00-2:30pm       Poster Presentations & Networking Session

2:30-3:00pm       Closing Remarks & Awards

3:00-4:00pm       Fine Family Academy of Educators: Meet & Greet with Keynote (open meeting)

2023 ESD Campus Map