Academy membership is the mark of an accomplished educator. You are a leader in the community and beyond. Students, Fellows, Residents and Faculty look to you for guidance, coaching and mentoring in education. Membership supports your own growth as an educator as well with grants, scholarships and opportunities to attend conferences. A variety of resources and assistance are provided through the member network to a community of practice, and access to national experts.

Be a member and expand your opportunities as an outstanding educator.

Career Development
    • Peer observation and feedback
    • Mentoring/coaching
    • Travel grants to cover presentation at conferences
    • Journal club
    • Educational scholarship grants
    • Consultation on educational grant preparation
    • Consultation on abstract and manuscript preparation
    • Access to librarian
    • Community of Practice for Educational Scholarship (CoPES)
    • Meet and greet with visiting educational experts
    • Exposure to external and internal educational experts: review of Academy applications
    • Community of Practice
    • Monthly Networking Lunches
    • Recognition and documentation of commitment and accomplishment in education
    • Recognized at the Fine Family Academy of Educators inauguration event
    • Listed as a:
      • Member
      • Resource and /or mentor for other medical educators
    • Awarded a stole and lapel pin signifying Fine Family Academy of Educators membership

Networking Lunches - last Friday of each month

These monthly gatherings provide an excellent platform for members to connect, engage, and have meaningful discussions about a wide range of pertinent topics related to current educational practices. Plus, we've got you covered with a delicious lunch to fuel your networking experience!

What to Expect:

  1. Informal Networking: Our Networking Lunches create a relaxed and casual environment that fosters authentic connections among members. It's an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals, share experiences, and build professional relationships within our esteemed Academy of Educators.

  2. Engaging Discussions: Each Networking Lunch focuses around thought-provoking conversations about various relevant topics in the field of education. From innovative teaching methodologies to emerging trends and challenges, these discussions offer valuable insights and fresh perspectives to inspire your own educational practice.

  3. Sharing Best Practices: Networking Lunches provide a platform for members to share their best practices and success stories. It's a space where you can learn from the experiences of your colleagues, exchange ideas, and gather practical tips to enhance your own teaching methods and strategies.

Discover the power of building connections, exchange ideas in a supportive setting, expand your professional network, gain fresh insights, and be part of a vibrant community of educators dedicated to advancing educational practices.

Members may sponsor the attendance of a non-member colleague who shares your passion for education and would benefit from joining the Fine Family Academy of Educators.

We look forward to connecting with you and making our Networking Lunches an enriching experience for all!