Julie Kerry, PhD

Julie Kerry, PhD, is the EVMS Foundation Distinguished Professorship in Biomedical Sciences and Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Cell Biology. As an experienced educator, she has been actively providing diverse study tools for various learning styles. Dr. Kerry is an educational leader at EVMS. She has been instrumental in the introduction of interactive teaching methods at EVMS through the use of team-centered learning and flipped classroom activities. She has pioneered the use of interactive PowerPoints in the medical curriculum, and she presented on this topic at an International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) meeting. In 2014, she conducted a research project assessing the efficacy of interactive PowerPoints. As chair of the Medical Education Committee, she is involved in reforming the EVMS medical curriculum.

Team-centered learning at EVMS: Do's and don'ts

Team-centered learning is a form of small-group teaching that places emphasis on student preparation outside of class and the application of knowledge learned within the class using structured activities. EVMS curriculum reform activities include the adoption and implementation of team-centered learning.

At the end of this professional development byte, you will be able to: 

  • Avoid some of the common pitfalls that faculty may encounter when developing team-centered learning
  • Use the key features of team-centered learning that contribute to successful sessions
  • Evaluate the different ways that team-centered learning has been integrated into EVMS courses

Watch this professional development byte: Team-Centered Learning



  1. TBL workshop, IAMSE meeting. June 2014.
  2. Parmelee D.X., Michaelsen. L.K. (2010) Twelve Tips for Doing Effective Team-Based Learning (TBL). Medical Teacher, 32:2, 118-122.
  3. Michaelsen L.K., Sweet, M. (2008) The Essential Elements of Team-Based Learning. New Directions For Teaching and Learning (116), 7-27.

Dr. Kerry has disclosed that she has no relevant financial relationships.