A portfolio template has been created to compile a detailed accounting of your activities in the domains in which you have time allotted (Teaching, Research/Discovery, Clinical Care and/or Administrative/Service). This template includes tables and examples of information to include in your statement. For example, in the area of teaching, please provide a short description of each course or session you are teaching, the number of students involved, major topics, hours/ year and what is your role (co-director, director, teaching faculty).

If you have developed new curricula please describe these efforts - why new curriculum was necessary, how successful it is based on comments from students or residents and other colleagues who are teaching it or accreditation requirements met.  Mentoring/ advising is another area to consider. There is a table to include the names of these individuals that you have either advised or mentored, the duration of this activity and the outcomes.

You should also use your portfolio narrative to document your unique contributions to your research team in the formation, design, analysis, methodology and/or dissemination of the research program. If research funding is obtained collaboratively, your role in obtaining funding and the funds that are intended for the independent research program should be clear.

Make sure you document evidence of:

  • quality of work achieved in each domain
  • contributions to be made to the department
  • alignment with mission of the school
  • future professional goals

Team Science, if applicable: if your activities are a result of Team Science/Multi-Disciplinary efforts, please briefly include your contributions in your candidate statement and in the Research/Discovery/ Scholarship domain section.

  • Include percentage of effort for each domain
  • Include ranking level
  • Note if recognized regionally and/or nationally

Also, please include:

  • EVMS Legacy CV Form
  • Evaluations (must be dated)
    • Annual Faculty Review (Last 3 years if available/applicable)
    • Resident Evaluations (if applicable)
    • Student Evaluations (if applicable)
    • Lecture/course Evaluations (if applicable)
  • Other recognition by colleagues, conferences etc.  (optional)