Promotions to the rank Instructor and Assistant Professor are not considered by the Appointments and Promotions Committee. At these levels, promotions are approved by the Senior Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development, following receipt of the appropriate materials from the Department Chair or SAVPDSHP.

Standards of Excellence

The primary criterion for academic appointment and promotion at the Eastern Virginia Medical School is demonstrated excellence as a scholar. The Appointments and Promotions Committee recognizes that such excellence may be demonstrated in various ways, as addressed in this document.

All candidates for appointment or promotion at the rank of Assistant Professor or above will be expected to have met certain basic criteria. These are:

Candidates will hold an earned doctoral degree or equivalent, or other appropriate terminal degree in their field of expertise.

Candidates will have completed appropriate residency and/or post-doctoral fellowship programs.

Candidates involved in clinical practice will hold appropriate current board certification.  Initial appointments (usually at the Assistant Professor level) may be granted to candidates not yet board certified, but continued appointment or promotion will require that board certification be obtained within an appropriate time as determined by the Dean/Provost with the advice of the Department Chair.

All candidates are expected to demonstrate expertise commensurate with their academic rank in all of their assigned activities (education, research, clinical practice or service).  In addition, each candidate for unmodified rank must demonstrate accomplishment in scholarly activity as outlined in Section IV A. 2.

Outlined below are examples of excellence appropriate to each academic rank. It is not expected that each candidate will meet all of these standards; these standards will serve to guide faculty members and their Chairs in evaluation of faculty performance and in documenting excellence for faculty recommended for appointment and promotion.

Promotion to rank of Assistant Professor


  • Is a regular participant in teaching activities. This may include responsibility for (but is not limited to): lectures and small group presentations to medical students, graduate students and residents; clinical bedside teaching; mentoring students; and participation in grand rounds and other continuing medical education activities.
  • Is considered an excellent teacher by students and faculty. This may be documented by student evaluations and peer review by Chairs and other faculty.  Teaching awards from students and peers are noteworthy.
  • Begins to develop a local or regional reputation as a teacher. This may be documented by evaluations from participants in CME courses or by invitations to speak at local or regional CME courses and meetings. Repeat invitations are noteworthy.
  • Is a regular and effective participant in curriculum development and administration. Service on course committees, service as a course director, preparation of course syllabi, etc., on a local or regional level are appropriate.

a.    Develops an original research program.
b.    Has peer-reviewed, first-authored publications.

Clinical Practice
a.    Demonstrates competence and promise of excellence in clinical, diagnostic, procedural, or other professional work as determined by the department.
b.    Considered a very good clinician by students, residents, fellows, and faculty based on formal evaluations.
c.    Meets clinical productivity goals established by the department.
d.    Demonstrates potential for a leadership role in a clinical service in the department or hospital.
e.    Establishes a reputation and consults at local and regional levels; invited to consult or invited to speak at CME courses and meetings.
f.    Has publications in peer-reviewed journals.

a.    Actively participates in medical school and hospital committees
b.    Actively participates in professional/clinical organizations.

Expertise in the Four Faculty Roles

1.    Teaching Accomplishments
Teachers don’t just convey revealed knowledge but encourage the development of an inquiring mind. Teachers instruct in identifying new discoveries related to their discipline, translate basic and clinical observations into practice, integrate the connections of their discipline with other disciplines within the school and communicate professionally outside of the school. Teachers assess their learners’ needs, and provide the most effective environment for their learners to integrate the new knowledge and its complicated relationships into their current understanding and practice. Teachers today have the advantage of the explosion in new technologies that can facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and its application that may be incorporated in enhancing the learning experiences of the student of today.  The challenge to teachers in the information age is to transform their focus from content to focus on their learners; from information transfer to conditions for learning, moving from abstractions to application, from narrow specialties to broad grasp of complexities, from isolated work to collaboration. 

Level 1.  These activities should be recognized locally as being competent.
o    Active participation in teaching activities of the department, such as a series of educational presentations, or coordinating a course
o    Delivery of educational materials to students, residents, trainees, research fellows or peers in health professions training program
o    Instructs in laboratory sessions for health science students
o    Facilitates small group sessions for medical students, health science students, residents/fellows
o    Serves as LGM Instructor
o    Presents teaching rounds or patient conferences
o    Supervises trainees performing outpatient or inpatient clinical service
o    Participates in teaching or supervision of medical students or graduate students or residents/fellows
o    Participates in postgraduate or continuing education courses that serve a local audience
o    Receives satisfactory evaluations from learners or peer reviewers
o    Demonstrates commitment to enhancing educational skills by participating in courses, conferences, workshops, on-line learning experiences, etc. related to one’s educational responsibilities
o    Serves as Advisor for medical student, health sciences student, postgraduate student or resident/fellow

Level 2. These activities should be recognized locally or regionally as being proficient/ meritorious.
o    Prepares curriculum material (new courses, syllabus materials, Blackboard materials, etc.)
o    Supervises or coordinates the teaching by other faculty, residents or graduate students (i.e., Course or Unit director)
o    Develops innovative approaches to improving students/resident learning and the enhancement of learning experiences (e.g., implements integration across disciplines; explores impact of innovation on learners’ accomplishments)
o    Develops or directs a postgraduate or continuing education course that serves a regional audience
o    Invited to make presentations at the state or regional level
o    Invited presenter at other institutions of higher education (i.e., universities, medical centers, health profession schools) or research and development facilities or institutes (i.e., NIH, Harvard-Macy, Max Planck Institute, etc.)
o    Develops and participates in the teaching of major portions of a graduate course
o    Supervises graduate students (Masters or PhD), MPH thesis for students in MD/MPH programs, serves as a project mentor for MD student or resident/fellow scholarly activity or research project requirement
o    Demonstrates meritorious teaching ability as measured by learner evaluation and peer review
o    Receives a local teaching award

Level 3. These activities should be recognized regionally, nationally or internationally as excellent.
o    Develops a course, curricular component, educational software, or evaluation materials that are used regionally or nationally
o    As course leaders, acknowledged by LCME or SACS reviewers as demonstrating ‘best practices.’
o    Invited to organize and participate in a symposium or plenary session at a regional or national educational meeting 
o    Initiates and collaborates with colleagues at multiple institutions in major presentation at regional or state level (symposia; preconference workshops)
o    Identifies exemplary ‘best practices’ from other institutions, adapts practices for EVMS curriculum, implements innovative approach to curriculum delivery and evaluation
o    Implements inter-professional educational experiences that address leading community health needs; demonstrates improved educational outcomes.
o    Supervises a training program, residency program or fellowship and achieves recognition of supervisory authority.
o    Receives a regional or national teaching award
o    Nominated to and serves on national professional organization’s education task force or initiative
o    Invited to be a Visiting Professor at other institutions
o    Provides educational leadership by serving as Editor of textbooks, journals or editorials.
o    Achieves funding of innovative educational program through national or international funding agency
o    Publishes educational works in peer-reviewed journals, television or radio or electronic sites
o    Develops educational and evaluation tools acknowledged as advancing field in disciplinary or interdisciplinary teaching and evaluation. 
o    Citation by news bulletins, etc., of professional organizations

2.    Research/Discovery Accomplishments
Research takes many forms.  Traditional biomedical researchers strive to enhance our understanding of the fundamental mechanisms underlying health and disease.  Translational and clinical researchers aim to take these findings from bench to bedside and provide new tools and treatments to improve patient care.  Public health is enhanced by the work of epidemiologists, behavioral scientists, and social scientists who identify areas of need and provide evidence in support of the most effective therapies.  Educational research identifies the best methods and tools for imparting knowledge to our students, and administrators use research methodology to improve practices in their areas of expertise. 

Level 1. These activities should be recognized locally as being competent. 
o    Extramural Funding: PI on foundation grants, PI for product/device donation to support research, co-investigator on indirect cost bearing grant
o    Publications: 1-2 journal articles/year in mid-tier journals with mid-tier impact, case reports, multiple articles as middle author (assumes 100% effort to research)
o    Communications: Invitations to speak at EVMS, hospitals, other academic/medical facilities, professional meetings in the Hampton Roads area; invitations to speak locally to the lay public; presentation of submitted (non-invited) abstracts
o    Patents: Author on a submitted (pending) patent
o    Clinical Trials and Methods: Participation as a listed investigator
o    Mentoring in Research: Primary faculty involved in training a student in research
o    Service in support of Research: Membership in professional societies; grant and manuscript reviews on an ad hoc basis

Level 2. These activities should be recognized locally or regionally as being proficient.
o    Extramural Funding: PI on indirect cost bearing grant to support research and PI salary for effort on this project 
o    Publications: 2-3 journal articles/year in mid-tier journals with mid-tier impact or 1 journal article/year in top journal with high impact (assumes 100% effort to research; only consider those where candidate is listed as 1st or last author)
o    Communications: Invitations to speak at universities, hospitals, other academic/medical facilities, professional meetings, to the lay public outside Hampton Roads bit within our region/nationally
o    Patents: Author on an issued patent or multiple submitted patents
o    Clinical Trials and Methods: Participation as site principal investigator
o    Mentoring in Research: Primary faculty involved in training multiple students in research, involvement in training program, recognition/invitations for training at a regional/national level, service on student committees
o    Service in support of Research: Active participation in professional societies; regular service as grant and manuscript reviewer

Level 3. These activities should be recognized regionally, nationally or internationally as excellent.
o    Extramural Funding: PI on indirect cost bearing grants to support research and PI salary for total effort devoted to research; evidence of sustained support at this level
o    Publications: 3-4 journal articles/year in mid-tier journals with mid-tier impact or 2 journal articles/year in top journals with high impact (assumes 100% effort to research; only those where candidate is listed as 1st or last author)
o    Communications: Invitations to speak at universities, hospitals, other academic/medical facilities, professional meetings, to the lay public nationally/internationally
o    Patents: Author on a patent which has been licensed and/or generates revenue for EVMS
o    Clinical Trials and Methods: PI or Co-Investigator with a significant role in trial design, implementation, and/or acquisition of funding
o    Mentoring in Research: Primary faculty involved in training multiple students in research, director of a training program, recognition/invitations for training at a national/international level, Chair of student committees
o    Service in support of Research: Regular service to professional societies as committee chair or in other leadership positions; associate editor/editorial board member; member of standing grant review panel
Awards:  The significance of any award for research activities should be evaluated based on the prestige of the group or organization bestowing it.

3.    Clinical Accomplishments
The scholarly and service activities of clinical faculty within an academic setting can take many forms and includes activities that go beyond relative value units (RVU’s). In short, academic clinicians must do more than simply practice medicine. They should continue to add academic value by seeking new knowledge, improving patient outcomes and standards of care. They should aspire to reflect, measure and disseminate this information with patients, colleagues and students both within and across disciplines. Through such persistent efforts the academic clinical faculty at EVMS contributes greatly to the mission and reputation of EVMS locally, nationally and internationally.

Clinicians that successfully combine their roles as teachers, mentors, researchers and administrators are worthy of recognition and promotion at EVMS. By opening their practices to such academic principles and our community of learners these professionals overtly demonstrate the centrality of the doctor-patient relationship to the healing arts. It is important for each candidate seeking such recognition and promotion to appropriately document the scope and breadth of their scholarly and service activities at a level commensurate with their intended promotional rank. For guidance purposes a non-exhaustive list of examples of some of the varied forms that clinical scholars can demonstrate their academic achievements at each of the three promotional levels has been included. It is important to note that the promotions committee considers each completed package upon the weight of the accumulated and documented evidence that such levels have been achieved.

Level 1. Competency - Candidates must demonstrate competency of achievements at local or institutional levels.
o    Demonstrates competence as defined by attaining/maintaining educational and/or professional accreditations/ Board Certifications (NCCPA, NSAA, ACGME, ABMS etc…) in areas such as (but not limited to) patient care, diagnostic, procedural and other clinical related activities
o    Consistently rated highly by students, residents, fellows and faculty
o    Provides evidence of consulting and collaborating at local levels
o    Actively coordinates or develops additive activities within the academic unit or practice group
o    Provides evidence of being a contributing/active member in specialty/subspecialty professional groups and societies
o    Provides evidence of high rating of periodic validated patient experience surveys
o    Consistently meets objective clinical/departmental benchmarks demonstrating quality care standards (length of stay, complication rate, utilization parameters, etc.) as compared to peer groups
o    Provides evidence of providing a minimum of 50 hrs/year community clinical service/care to underserved /indigent /special needs populations in support of EVMS activities and missions
o    Provides evidence of reflective self-evaluation and assessment to improve performance within the scope of practice
o    Provides evidence of being a consistent life-long learner through activities such as faculty development, CME and other professional development sessions

Level 2. Meritorious - Candidates must demonstrate evidence that achievements have risen to the level of being recognized at regional and state levels.
o    Demonstrate competency as defined by attaining meritorious/advanced educational or professional accreditations/awards or recognitions by academic groups and organizations (AOA faculty recognition, Special certifications/programs, Fellowships, Continuing education certifications/degrees) 
o    Provides evidence of consulting and collaborating regional level by peers
o    Evidence of meritorious recognition as a regional specialist via letters of reference, awards, requests to write review
o    Actively serving in leadership positions on regional/prestigious clinical committees (state guidelines, academic reviewer etc.)
o    Recognized by media publications at local & state level (“Best Doctors” surveys) for clinical care (note: this cannot include monetarily attained listings or self-promotion vehicles)
o    Offers a unique clinical service in local/state/regional area as measured by colleagues, learners and/or patients 
o    Coordinates and develops collaborations across medical disciplines/fields of practice
o    Consistently exceeds clinical benchmarks (length of stay, complication rate, utilization parameters, etc.) compared to peers
o    Provides evidence of holding active and persistent committee/subcommittee/ officer involvements in multiple specialty/subspecialty of regional societies
o    Participates regularly in regional guideline development groups or protocol or SOP development panels
o    Directs clinical or professional program or QI initiatives that have resulted in evidence showing improved educational or patient care outcomes
o    Serves as an officer of the hospital medical staff
o    Develops and disseminates a unique clinical program, diagnostic test, or intervention that has local or regional impact
o    Provides evidence of superior results of periodic patient experience surveys
o    Presents multiple examples of unsolicited recognition from patients, institutions and peers for meritorious clinical skills & professionalism behaviors
o    Consistently exceeds group/department productivity/strategic goals (Not RVUs) 
o    Evidence of providing a minimum of 200 hrs/yr of community clinical service/care to underserved /indigent /special needs populations
o    Presents evidence of being consistent and persistent as at reflective self-evaluation and assessment to improve performance within the scope of practice and mentoring others in such activities of growth
o    Presents evidences of being a consistent and persistent life-long learner who goes above and beyond the minimum standard (as compared to peers) to engage in regular activities such as faculty development, CME and other professional development sessions

Level 3. Excellent - Candidates must demonstrate evidence that their activities are recognized nationally or internationally as consistently excellent.
o    Demonstrates outcomes and impact of clinical, educational or professional programs they have developed and implemented
o    Presents evidence as an established consultant and collaborator at national or international levels
o    Provides evidence that the scope of their clinical or professional practice has achieved consistently excellent feedback by multiple peers at national or international level
o    Serves on national/international clinical committees (guidelines, peer review, etc.)
o    Is recognized by media publications at national or international levels (“Best Doctors” surveys) for clinical care or professional achievements (note: this cannot include monetarily attained listings or self-promotion vehicles)
o    Provides evidence of consulting and collaborating at national and international levels
o    Presents evidence of a unique clinical program, diagnostic test, or interventions developed that has had wide spread and national/international impact
o    Contributes significantly to board examination (i.e., board examiner, item test writer) in specialty/subspecialty
o    Receives exceptional recognition by specialty/subspecialty society (Mastership or equivalent) or Fellowship in multiple societies
o    Participates in national and international guideline setting or protocol writing panels
o    Is elected to a significant leadership role in clinical or professional societies
o    Receives outstanding recognition by grateful patients, institutions or societies for excellence in clinical care. May consist of special awards, endowments or substantial impact to EVMS mission and the community of scholars.
o    Provides exceptional amounts of community clinical care to underserved /indigent /special needs populations in excess of 400 hrs/yr
o    Makes broadly impacting clinical contributions internally and externally appropriate to the mission of the institution its students, faculty or staff

4.    Administrative or Service Accomplishments

Level 1. These activities should be recognized locally as being competent.
o    Demonstrates skills in managing activities or programs
o    Serves on School or hospital committees
o    Conducts tests, procedures or data handling in support of a clinical or service laboratory

Level 2.  These activities should be recognized locally or regionally as being proficient.
o    Independently develops or directs a major program/project/research laboratory
o    Oversees, directs and interprets tests, procedures or data handling in support of a clinical or service laboratory
o    Oversees a major research project as Principal Investigator or Co-investigator, which involves management of personnel and finances 
o    Offers major collaborative services with other faculty in attracting external funding not achievable without the administrator’s contributions.
o    Serves as an officer in state or local professional society
o    Serves as an Assistant or Associate Dean or other administrative appointment (i.e., Chairperson, Vice or Associate Chairperson of a department)
o    Serves as a Program Director, Clerkship Director or other position related to the mission of the School that involves significant time in administrative activities, such as program development scheduling, evaluation, documentation of unit activities.
o    Consults nationally regarding service-related activities
o    Chairs medical subspecialty or professional society committee
o    Chair a school or hospital committee
o    Attracts substantial gifts or endowments to the School 
o    Serves as a regular or Ad Hoc member on a national research or clinical review committee
o    Performs a service for the community or organizations within the community that are not directly associated with the School

Level 3.  These activities should be recognized regionally, nationally, or internationally as excellent.
o    Serves as an officer or major committee member/chair on regional or national professional society
o    Chairs a departmental faculty search committee
o    Chairs a major committee (i.e., Admissions, Student Affairs, Appointments and Promotions, etc.)
o    Serves as section chief, director or leader of a clinical area
o    Recruits external funding for innovative programs in the school