In TerminalFour, there are two ways of copying an item: Mirroring and duplicating. Each one functions diffently.


When you mirror an item, it is a direct reflection of the original - essentially, it is the same piece of content appearing in two places at once - meaning that any changes to the mirrored item will affect the original and any mirrors of that item.

Mirroring is indicated by this "mirrored" icon: This icon of two interlocked squares indicates that a piece of content or a section is mirrored, meaning it is a reflection of the original. Any changes made to the original or its mirror will be reflected in both places.

Mirroring can be helpful for content like Section Configs (footers) or Faculty/Staff Profiles that you would like to stay the same in multiple places. If you make an update to a mirrored piece of content in one place, it updates everywhere that item is mirrored.

To mirror an item, select "Actions," then select "Mirror." A pop-up window will open showing all the sections you can access. Select the section where you want the mirrored item to appear. As soon as you select the section, the pop-up will disappear, and a green bar should appear at the bottom that says "Content has been mirrored."

Note: Mirrored content is automatically approved and should appear during the next site publish (typically within an hour).

Deleting mirrored content

If you delete a piece of mirrored content, you will have two options appear, along with a list of everywhere this content exists:

When deleting mirrored content, a window will appear with two options for Delete action: Remove from section (which makes it disappear from the current section but exist elsewhere) and Delete content (which deletes it everywhere that it exists). After you've made your selection, click

  1. Remove from Section - this makes the piece of content disappear from the current section, but it will continue to exist in the other sections where it exists
  2. Delete content - this deletes the piece of content (making it inactive) in all sections where this content exists

After you've made your selection, click "Delete content" to complete either type of deletion.

Mirrored branches/sections

EVMS has moved away from mirroring full branches and sections, in favor of using section links to send users to one specific webpage. This is helpful for gathering analytics about content on the website, and it helps prevent confusion for users who might find the same thing in two different places. If you have a mirrored branch with the mirrored icon (This icon of two squares interlocking with a carat above and to the right of the symbol indicates that a section or branch is mirrored, meaning the pages and all the pages' contents are exactly the same across the site. Any changes made to one section will be reflected in the other and vice versa.), please submit a help ticket at to request that mirroring be turned off.


When you duplicate an item, you are making a separate copy of that item at this particular point in time. Any changes you make to the duplicated content going forward will not affect the original, and any changes you make to the original will not affect that duplicated content.

To duplicate an item, select "Actions," then select "Duplicate." A pop-up window will open showing all the sections you can access. Select the section where you want the duplicated item to appear. As soon as you select the section, the pop-up will disappear, and a green bar should appear at the bottom that says "Content has been duplicated."

Note: Duplicated content is automatically set to pending and will not appear unless you approve it.

Deleting duplicated content - much like editing duplicated content - has no impact on the original, and deleting the original has no impact on the duplicated content.

If you need help duplicating a section or branch, contact