1. Add a piece of content to Events (myPortal). You can do this by either duplicating an existing event and adding it to Events (myPortal), or creating a new piece of WWW & myPortal Calendar Event content.
  2. Fill out the relevant fields. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk in the content type. Below are descriptions of what each field does:
    1. Name: Internal name of the piece of content, usually preceded by the date of the event (e.g. "09/12/19 - TerminalFour Training")
    2. Title: Title of the event
    3. Brief description: This will be displayed before the website visitor clicks to get more details
    4. Description: Full description of the event
    5. Category: What type of event is it?
    6. Start Date
    7. End Date
    8. Venue: Event location (e.g. "Bank of America Auditorium, Hofheimer Hall")
    9. Organiser: Who/which department is hosting the event?
    10. Organiser URL: Web address to the organiser or department page
      1. If you'd like this to open an email, use the following format "mailto:youremailhere@evms.edu"
    11. Recurs Every: Usually this is "Never"
    12. Audience: Who is the audience for this event? (e.g. "Students," "Accepted PA students")
    13. Department: Department hosting the event (used for calendar filtering purposes)
    14. External/Internal/Media Registration Link: Direct people where to register for this event
    15. External/Internal/Media More Info Link: Add a "More Info" link to the event and choose where to direct the user
    16. Public Event: Is this event open to the public?
    17. Private Event: Is this event open to only member of the EVMS community?
    18. Cohort: Only show this event to the selected cohort
    19. Flag event: Depreciated, do not use
  3. Save and approve the content
  4. If this event is of interest to or open to the public, mirror the event to Home > Events (Public)
    1. Click on the "Actions" button next to the piece of content
    2. Select "Mirror"
    3. Choose Home > Events (Public)
    4. Scroll to the bottom and click "Mirror content"

The event should appear on the myPortal calendar within 24 hours. If you've mirrored it (step 4) to the public website, it should appear on the EVMS.edu calendar within 24 hours as well.