Teen Health 360

Empowering teens to make informed decisions about their relationships, health, and well-being.

Open Call 2023, share your thoughts!

We are conducting a Teen Health 360 Open Call to engage the community in an open dialogue about the communication about a caring adult and a teen about relationships, sexual health, and wellbeing. Prizes will be awarded to winning submissions and participants.

Winning submissions will be shared to support the implementation of the Teen Health 360 program services in local schools and teen-serving community organizations.  We strongly believe that collective voices and ideas will help make a difference.

Group of parents listen to counselor discuss teenage issues.
African American man (50s) teaching a diverse group of high school students, all holding tablets.

About the program

Studies show that medically accurate, evidence-based and age-appropriate program services for school age youth can delay sexual initiation, reduce risky sexual behaviors and reduce sexually transmitted infections and teen pregnancies. The Teen Health 360 program is housed in the Community Health and Research Division of Pediatrics. Together with community partners in Hampton Roads and the Eastern Shore, we aim to empower teens to make informed decisions about their relationships, health, and well-being.